When should Mangal Dosha be eliminated, if at all?
The astrological significance of the Manglik Dosh cannot be overstated. Manglik dosha is closely associated with marriage in Hinduism. In astrology, a person is said to have Manglik Dosha if Mars occupies the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house. The influence of Mars in the horoscope might cause a condition known as manglik dosha. In a strange twist, the unmarried nature of the planet causes it to combine with other elements in the horoscope of the native in such a way that difficulties with marriage and family life are always present. Therefore, it is recommended that a Manglik only marry another Manglik to avoid any marital problems. However, mangal dosh puja Ujjain can help in this case. According to astrology, a Mangli life will be fraught with difficulties, and their non-Manglik spouse may even end up abandoned. According to astrology, the Manglik Dosh is permanently removed when a Manglik marries another Manglik and mangal bhat puja Ujjain is done. Finding Out I...